OTD 21 June 1788 Princess Augusta of Bavaria

On 21 June 1788 a very noble girl was born in Munich.
She received the names:
Princess Augusta Amalia Ludovika of Bavaria
(in German: von Bayern).


Her parents were King Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria and
Augusta Wilhelmine of Hesse-Darmstadt.

Love and Marriage

Initially she was promised to Charles, the heir of Baden, until
Napoleon intervened.

He ordered a wedding between Princess Augusta of Bavaria
and Eugène the Beauharnais, Napoleon's stepson.

Princess Augusta's father gave his son in law the title:
Duke of Leuchtenberg.

Finally this political marriage turned out to be a happy one.
They would have 7 children.


Princess Augusta of Bavaria died on 13 May 1851, at the
age of 62, in Munich.

Source picture: Wikipedia


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