Royal Destinations - United Kingdom - London - Buckingham Palace

One of the most important Royal Destinations in London is of course
Buckingham Palace.

It is the London residence and the administrative headquarters of the
reigning monarch of the United Kingdom.

Buckingham Palace

Some important history

Sir William Blake established a House on the grounds of
Buckingham Palace

From 1633
Lord Goring, the next owner, extended Blake's House
and he developed much of today's garden.

Later Henry Bennet, 1st. Earl of Arlington, obtained the
mansion from the Goring family.

Goring House burned down and Arlington House rose on the site of
Buckingham Palace

John Sheffield, later the first Duke of Buckingham and Normanby
acquired the lease.

Buckingham House was sold to King George III. The building was
originally intended as a private retreat for King George III's wife:
Queen Charlotte and initially it was known as the Queen's House.

King George IV continued the renovation with the help of his
architect John Nash.

Buckingham Palace waiting for the ceremony of changing the guards

Buckingham Palace finally became the principal royal residence
under Queen Victoria.

Queen Victoria left Buckingham Palace to live at Windsor Castle,
Balmoral Castle and Osborne House.

The last major building work took place during the reign of
King George V. A new, refaced principal facade was designed.

During World War II, the palace was bombed nine times.
Many windows were blown in and the chapel was destroyed.

May 8th. 1945
On VE Day the palace was the center of British celebrations.
The King Queen, Princess Elizabeth (now Queen Elizabeth II)
and her sister Princess Margaret appeared on the balcony.

Buckingham Palace in London

Some important facts

The Facade of the front of Buckingham Palace is 108 meters (354 ft)
 by 120 meters (390 ft) and 24 meters (79 ft) high).

Buckingham Palace contains 77,000 square meters (830,000 square ft)
of floorspace.

Buckingham Palace has:
* 778 rooms
* own post office
* cinema
* swimming pool
* doctor's surgery
* jeweler 's workshop

Buckingham Palace is the workplace of more than 800 people!

Changing of the guards ceremony 

Tourist attraction

* Changing of the Guards at 11.30 a.m
* Summer opening Tour (in 2016: July 23rd. till October 2nd.).


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