OTD 15 July 1737 Princess Louise of France

Princess Louise of France was born on 15 July 1737 at the Royal Palace of


Her parents were King Louis XV of France and Maria Leszczynska (daughter
of King Stanislaw I of Poland).


When none of King Louis' plans of a marriage for Princess Louise, came to
something, she sought consolation in her religion.

In 1770, Princess Louise asked her father to become a Carmelite nun and she
joined the convent at Saint-Denis. On October 1st. 1771 Princess Louise gave
her vows and she was fully accepted in the order. On November 25th. 1773,
Princess Louise became a prioress of the convent.

In the order, Princess Louise took the name of Thérèse of Saint Augustine.
On May 26th. 1774, two weeks after the death of her father, Princess Louise
was visited by her nephew King Louis XVI.


Princess Louise died on 23 December 1787 at the age of 50.

Source pictures: Wikipedia


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