OTD 20 September 1384 Death of Louis I, Duke of Anjou

Louis I, Duke of Anjou was born on July 23rd. 1339 at the Château de Vincennes,
near Paris in France.


Louis I, Duke of Anjou was the second son of King John II of France and
Bonne of Bohemia.

Love and Marriage

In 1360, Louis married Marie of Blois, a daughter of Charles, Duke of Brittany
and Joanna of Dreux. Louis and Marie would have 3 children.

Louis founded the Angevin branch of the French Royal House.


Louis was present at the Battle of Poitiers (1356) although he lost the fight.
Together with his elder brother, Charles, he escaped and avoided to be taken
captive by the English.

From 1380 till 1382, Louis served as regent for France.

In 1382, Louis left France to claim the throne of Naples. He was adopted by
Queen Joanna of Naples, as she was childless. However there were force
oppositions against him.


Louis I, Duke of Anjou died suddenly on September 20th. 1384 in Bisceglie,

Source picture: Wikipedia


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