Royal Art - Michiel Coxie - Painter who served the Habsburgs

Michiel Coxie (1499 - 3 March 1592) was born in Mechelen, then a
part of the Duchy of Brabant, nowadays located in Belgium.

Michiel Coxie followed his training with Bernard van Orley.
More about Bernard van Orley on this link.

Between 1530 and 1539, he visited Italy. At Rome Michiel Coxie
painted the chapel of Cardinal Enckenvoirt in the church of the
Santa Maria dell' Anima.

When Coxie returned to the Netherlands, he went to Mechelen where
he made an altar piece for the Guild of St. Luke.

Michiel Coxie

Painter at the Royal Court

Michel Coxie became painter at the Royal Court of the Habsburgs in
1541 after the death of Bernard van Orley. He served for Regent
Maria of Austria and he was patronized by Holy Roman Emperor,
Charles V. Later he worked for King Philip II of Spain.

For King Philip II of Spain Coxie also made the tapestries of the
Royal Palace in Madrid.

His works

There are two amazing cathedrals in Belgium, where people can
visit works of Michiel Coxie.

1/ St. Rumbold's Cathedral in Mechelen
2/ St. Michael and St. Gudula Cathedral in Brussel.

A lot of Michiel Coxie's works are spread around the world.

There are etchings of him inter alia at
- County Museum of Art in Los Angeles;
- The British Museum in London

There are paintings of him inter alia at:
Szépmüvészeti Múzeum in Boedapest

Michiel Coxie - Brussels


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