10 January 1864 Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich of Russia

January 10th. 1864 marks the birth of Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich
of Russia.


Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich of Russia was a son of Grand Duke
Nikolaievich the Elder and Duchess Alexandra of Oldenburg.

He was a grandson of Tsar Nicholas I and thus a member of the Russian
imperial family.

Love and Marriage

On July 26th. 1889 he married Princess Milica of Montenegro.
They had 4 children.

His elder brother, Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich married
Princess Anastasia of Montenegro (Milica's sister).

The two couples had a huge influence on the imperial court.
The women were called the 'Black Perils'.

After the Russian Revolution in 1917, the couple fled from Russia and
they moved to the South of France.


Grand Duke Peter Nikolaevich of Russia died at Cap d'Antibes
on June 17th. 1931.

Source picture: Wikipedia


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