OTD March 1st. 1823 Volksgarten in Vienna Austria

Volksgarten, Austria, own picture taken in 2011
On March 1st. 1823, the Volksgarten in Vienna, then a part of the Austrian Empire,
became a public park.

Volksgarten - Austria - own picture taken in 2011

Initially the Volksgarten was used for fortifications. A fortress was built on the east
side of the park.

In 1809 these fortifications were destroyed by Napoléon Bonaparte 's French troops.

Between 1817 and 1821, there were plans to make a private garden for the
Archdukes, however the court garden administration turned it into a public garden.

Volksgarten, Austria, own picture taken in 2011
A nice place

The Volksgarten in Vienna is a nice place to walk around. There is a statue from
Empress Elisabeth of Austria (Sisi) and at the center of the park there is a
neoclassical Temple, which is a replica of the Temple of Hephaestus in Athens.

Volksgarten, Temple, Austria, own picture taken in 2011


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