OTD April 14th.1574 Henry of Nassau Dillenburg

Henry of Nassau-Dillenburg was born on October 15th. 1550 in
Dillenburg (now located in Germany).

Counts of Nassau - Source picture: Wikipedia


His parents were William the Rich and Juliana of Stolberg-Wernigerode.
Count Henry of Nassau-Dillenburg was thus a brother of inter alia
William the Silent.


Henry of Nassau-Dillenburg was raised in the Lutheran faith and he
studied in Leuven and Strasbourg.

Military action

Henry and his brothers, William and Louis joined the Hugenot army of
Louis I de Bourbon, Prince of Condé.

He took part in the Battle of Moncontour ( 3 October 1559) and the
Battle of Mookerheyde.

The Battle of Mookerheyde took place on April 14th. 1574.
Then Henry died at the age of 23. His elder brother Louis, was also killed
in the battle.

Battle of the Mookerheyde - Source picture: Wikipedia


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