Royal Exhibition - 1917: Romanovs & Revolution at the Hermitage in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

In May 2017, I visited a very Royal Exhibition in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

1917: Romanovs & Revolution

Poster exhibition - Hermitage Amsterdam

This exhibition displays a perfect spirit of the age between 7 October 1917
and 27 May 1918.

Its marvelous collection shows many special pieces, lend from the Hermitage
of St. Petersburg in Russia. 

picture of Tsar Nicholas II and his wife 

It also was special that people were allowed to take pictures at the exhibition.

St. Petersburg, Russia at the beginning of the 19th. century

For more information, check the site of the Hermitage Amsterdam
on this link.

Ticket of the Hermitage in Amsterdam

Check also the page 'Russia: House of Romanov - 1917 till now' on top of 
my blog or on this link


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