OTD 31 August 1997 Death of Diana Princess of Wales

In the night of August 30th. and August 31st. 1997, a tragic car accident took
place in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris, France. Dodi Fayed and the driver,
Henri Paul died immediately. Diana, Princess of Wales was fatally injured. 

The sudden and unexpected death of a very popular royal woman, brought
many tributes in the world. 

On September 1st. 1997 the newspapers around the world only had one topic:
the sudden death of Diana, Princess of Wales.

The next pictures are original front pages of some of the Belgian Newspapers
and magazines during that period.

'Het Nieuwsblad' with Diana's favorite picture. 

'Het Laatste Nieuws' : She had everything except happiness

'Dag Allemaal'


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