Coat of Arms from the city of Oostende in Western Flanders Belgium

Oostende is a city near the North Sea in Western Flanders, Belgium. It has not only
a lot of royal history, it also has a beautiful symbolic Coat of Arms.

Coat of Arms of Oostende near the Royal Villa - own picture

Some history

The current Coat of Arms of the City Oostende was granted in 1819. Then it was a
part of the United Kingdom of The Netherlands.

Although according to some sources Oostende had received their Coat of Arms
from Margaret II, Countess of Flanders in 1267.

Countess Margaret II of Flanders
Source picture: Wikipedia

The keys on the Coat of Arms are the symbol of the patron saint of Oostende:
St. Peter.

St. Peter with the Keys
Source picture: Wikipedia

The three keys on the Coat of Arms are possibly a reference to the city gates. 

From 1951 unwards the Coat of Arms of Oostende was allowed to wear the
War Cross of Belgium.


Walking through this wonderful city, gives the opportunity to see lots of the
city's Coat of Arms, even in the corners of the grand hall at the railway station.

Railway station Oostende

This railway station connects Oostende with lots of important cities of Belgium.
For example:

- Bruges,
- Antwerp,
- Brussels,
- Hasselt and many more.


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