History OnThisDay: 23 August 1514: Battle of Chaldiran was fought

On 23 August 1514, the Battle of Chaldiran took place at Chaldiran
near Khoy, nowadays located in the north western part of Iran.

Some Royal History

In 1512 Selim I became the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire after a
successful battle against his brothers for the throne. The Sultan
believed that these struggles were stirred up by Ismail I,
who had sized with other members of the dynasty against him.

Selim I of the Ottoman Empire

Shah Ismail

Selim feared that the population would turn against him in favour of Shah
Ismail, the leader of the Shia Safavids.

Shah Ismail on the other hand accused Sultan Selim of aggression against
fellow Muslims, violating religious sexual rules and shedding innocent blood.

Before Selim I started the Battle of Chaldiran he ordered the execution of
some 40,000 Qizilbash of Anatolia as punishment for their rebellious behaviour.
He also tried to block the import of Iranian silk into his realm.

The Battle

At Chaldiran the Ottomans had a larger, better equipped army numbering
60,000 to 100,000 men as well as a large number of heavy artillery pieces.

The Safavid army numbered some 40,000 to 80,000 and did not have
artillery at its disposal.

At the battle Ismail I was wounded and almost captured. His wives were
captured by Selim I, at least one married off to one of Selim 's statesmen.

At the end Ismail I retired to his palace and withdrew from government
administration and after his defeat he never again participated in a
military campaign. He also was heartbroken and resorted to drinking

After this battle of Chaldiran, Selim I went southwards with his forces
to fight the Mamluk Sultanate in the Ottoman-Mamluk War (1516-1517).

Source pictures: Wikipedia


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