Royal Art: New Portraits of King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium

During the summer exhibition of 2018 at the royal palace in Brussels, Belgium,
two new amazing beautiful paintings were shown on the wall of the entrance hall.
It immediately attracked the attention of all visitors. 

King Philippe of Belgium - portrait
own picture taken in September 2018

The first portrait is one of King Philippe of the Belgians. It was painted by
Osvaldo Leite (from Uruguay).

Queen Mathilde of Belgium
own picture taken in september 2018

The second portrait is one of Queen Mathilde of the Belgians also painted
by Osvaldo Leite. According to Modekoningin Mathilde, the Queen wore
a dress designed by Giorgio Armani, to know more, check this link (text
in Dutch). 

About the painter

Osvaldo Leite was born on 12 August 1943 in Departemento de Rivera in

The paintings

As an art lover, I really like these portraits. I hope that the royal couple
of Belgium will acquire more of such paintings. So, the public will
enjoy the next summer exhibitions at the Royal Palace in Brussels even


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