27 October 1978 Important Royal Meeting at the White House

On Friday 27 October 1978, an important royal meeting took place
at the White House in Washington, United States of America.

Then the 39th. President of the United States of America, Jimmy Carter,
met King Khalid of Saudi Arabia.

At 11h.59, President Jimmy Carter greeted Khalid bin Abdul Aziz
Al-Saud, the King of Saudi Arabia in the Diplomatic Reception Room
of the White House.

At 12h04 they went to the Map Room. There a meeting took place
between the President and:

- King Khalid bin Abd al-Aziz al-Saud;
- Sultan bin Abd al-Aziz al-Saud, Minister of Defense and Aviation of
  the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia;
- All Abdallah Alireza, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to the U.S.;
- Mohammed al-Nowaizer, Minister for Royal Diwan;
- Ahmed Abd al-Wahab, Chief of Royal Protocol;
- Dr. Fadl al-Rahman, King Khalid's personal physician;
- Secretary of State Cyrus Vance;
- Secretary of the Treasury W. Michael Blumenthal;
- Secretary of Defense Harold Brown;
- Mr. Brzezinski, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs;
- Hamilton Jordan, Assistant to the President;
- Alfred L. Atherton, Jr. Ambassador at Large;
- John C. West, United State Ambassador to Saudi Arabia;
- Harold H. Saunders, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and
  South Asian Affairs;
- William B. Quandt, National Security Council staff member;
- Isa Sabbah, interpreter, Department of State;
- Dr. Rezavai, heart specialist Cleveland Clinic.

Later the President hosted a luncheon meeting for the U.S. and Saudi
Arabian officials.

At 13h17 the meeting was over. The President escorted King Khalid to
his motorcade on the South Grounds. He bade farewell to the King and
to Members of the Press.

President Jimmy Carter also released a statement about this meeting:

The President is delighted that King Khalid of Saudi Arabia was able
to accept his invitation of lunch today. He was very thankful for his
Majesty's rapid recovery, and we are honored that His Majesty chose
to visit the United States for medical treatment at the Cleveland Clinic.

During the luncheon the President and His Majesty discussed a number
of important issues of mutual interest, including their joint commitment
to peace and security, in the Middle East. 

The President took the opportunity to explain personally to His Majesty
the efforts made to that end in the Camp David accords, and discussed
with His Majesty the current status of the negotiations foreseen in those
accords. His Majesty assured the President that Saudi Arabia appreciates
greatly the efforts which the President is making to help bring lasting peace
to the area and desires to remain in close contact with the United States
about them. 

Source picture: Wikipedia


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