Royal Destination Alcazar in Seville Spain

The Real or Royal Alcázar is situated near the Cathedral and the General Archive
of the Indies in Seville, which is one of Andalusia's most splendid areas.

In 1987 it was listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site and in fact it is
really worth to be on the list.

Alcázar in Seville own picture taken in 2018

The Real Alcázar still has a royal function, it is the home of the royal family of
Spain when they visit Seville!

Besides that the Real Alcázar really has a very nice royal history.

Alcázar in Seville Spain - own picture taken in 2018

Some royal history

The Alcázar in Seville probably is the oldest royal palace of Europe, which is
still used for that purpose.

Originally there was a Roman and later a Visigotic fortress on the place of the

In 913, Abd-ar-Rahman III, the first Caliph of Al-Andalus (Gordoba) ordered
to build a castle on the site of the fortress.

In the 11th. century, Al-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad, the last ruler of the Abbadid-
dynasty, ordered to expand the castle to a palace.

A lot of visitors for the Alcázar in Seville Spain

Alcázar in Seville - Spain - Entrance

Alcázar Seville Spain, a lot of visitors

In the 14th century, Alfons X of Castile, conquered Seville and ordered to
expand the palace in Seville.

King Peter I of Castile, ordered to build a new palace on the same location.
These building works started already in 1364. Peter used a lot of Moorish

Later other Kings expanded the Alcázar, in the 16th. century, Holy Roman
Emperor Charles V, added some elements in gothic and in Renaissance
style to the palace.

It was in this Royal Palace that Isabella I of Calstile and Ferdinand II of
Aragon recevied Christopher Columbus after his second voyage to

Alcázar in Seville Spain

The royal palace

The royal palace itself is not only very large (a visit will take at least an
half day), but it has a really nice style due to the different time periods.

Besides its amazing architecture, the royal palace has lots of lovely
gardens, where it is nice to spend some time.

I visited this royal palace in June 2018 and it is certainly one of the most
beautiful places, I've ever seen.

The Amazing Gardens of the Alcázar of Seville

Some special things as the Spanish tiles and the symbol of the Real Alcázar in
a bench.

Tile Details - Alcázar in Seville - Spain 

Tiles with the Royals of Spain - Alcázar in Seville 
The symbol of the Real Alcázar in Seville Spain

Did you know that this royal palace was used in several movies and series?
Inter alia for:

- Lawrence of Arabia;
- Game of Thrones.

Alcázar in Seville Spain 
Alcázar in Seville Spain - ceiling


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