World War II Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands

Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld was born on 29 June 1911 at Jena
in Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach in Germany.

His parents were Prince Bernhard of Lippe and Armgard von Cramm.
In  1916 his uncle Prince Leopold IV of Lippe styled him as Serene

He studied law at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) and in Berlin.
During his studies, Prince Bernhard met numerous important people, he
also joined the Nazi Parti.

Later Bernhard went to Paris where he 'worked' as
an executive secretary at the office of IG Farben, then the 4th. largest
company of the world.

Love and Marriage

In 1936 Prince Bernhard met Crown Princess Juliana of The Netherlands
at the Winter Olympics in Garmish-Partenkirchen.

On 8 September 1936, the royal engagement was announced and the
couple married on 7 January 1937. Before their marriage, Prince
Bernhard was granted the Dutch citizenship. He also became a royal
highness by the Dutch law.

Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard had 4 children together:
Princess Beatrix (later Queen Beatrix)
Princess Irene
Princess Margriet
Princess Christina.

Prince Bernhard also had 2 natural children, which he recognized
as his own.

Nazi Germany

Many of Prince Bernhard 's family members and friends were
supporters of Nazi Germany.  Prince Bernhard also had joined
the Nazi Party before his marriage.

Before his marriage, Prince Bernhard had a meeting with Hitler,
who was then the head of state of Germany.

World War II

When World War II broke out in The Netherlands, Prince Bernhard
wore a machine gun and he turned the palace guards into a combat
group and he shot at German warplanes.

Later the royal family of the Netherlands fled to England.
Prince Bernhard asked for work in the British Intelligence. However
they didn't trust him enough. However, King George VI interfered
and Prince Bernhard was screened for the Intelligence service.

On 25 June 1940, Prince Bernhard spoke to the BBC, he called
Hitler a German tyrant and he had confidence that Britain would
win the war.

In 1940, Flight lieutenant Murray Pane gave the Prince instructions
in flying a Spitfire. Prince Bernhard remained an active pilot during
his life. His grandson, King Willem-Alexander has  inherited
Prince Bernhard's passion of flying.

In 1941, Prince Bernhard received an honorary rank as wing
commander for the Royal Air Force (RAF).

He flew over occupied Europe, helped the Dutch resistance and
acted as personal secretary for Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands.

In 1944, Prince Bernhard became Commander of the Dutch Armed
Forces. He also was present at the Armistice negotiations at

After World War II

On 4 September 1948, Juliana became Queen of The Netherlands and
Prince Bernhard became Prince Consort.

In May 1954, Prince Bernhard was involved in the first meeting of the
Bilderberg group. It became an annual meeting.

International relations

Prince Bernhard had lots of connections inter alia with

- Nelson Mandela;
- David Rockefeller;
- Mohammed Reza Pahlavi;
- The Queen.

Later life

Prince Bernhard's later life was a bit filled with scandals as the
Hoffmans Affair, the Lockheed Scandal and the recognition of
two natural daughters.


Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands died of cancer on
1 December 2004.

On 11 December 2004, Prince Bernhard was interred in the
Nieuwe Kerk, Delft.

Veterans' day

Veterans' day is an annual day of remembrance of the country's
servicemen. Since 2005, this is organized in The Netherlands on
the birthday of the late Prince Bernhard.
The symbol is a white carnation.


One of the best books I've ever read about Prince Bernhard was
written by Annejet van der Zijl. This was published in March 2010.
In this book Prince Bernhard was called a "failure" in Dutch
history and a "man who create his own myths."

Book cover Prince Bernhard - screenshot

Member of the Nazi Party

In October 2023, it was known that Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands
was a member of the Nazi Party officially known as the
National Socialist German Worker's Party.

A historian has found his membership card. The discovery of the membership
card is described in the book "De Achterblijvers" by Filip Marschalkerweerd.
He found the map in Soestdijk Palace in the prince's private archives, which
he had to inventory after his death in 2004.

Until his death, Prince Bernhard denied that he had ever been a member
of the Nazi party.

Source pictures: Wikipedia


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