D'Ursel Castle a real Royal Destination

D'Ursel Castle located in the lovely town of Hingene in the municipality
of Bornem at the Province of Antwerp in Flanders, Belgium, is really a
wonderful royal destination.

Not only it has lots of royal history but it also is a very beautiful
residence and it has an amazing Park for walking.

d'Ursel Castle own picture taken in Hingene Flanders Belgium

Some Royal History

D'Ursel castle was used as summer residence for the noble family of
d'Ursel. I already have written a blog post about this dynasty on this

The first inhabitant of D'Ursel Castle was Diederik van de Werve. In
1608 his descendants sold the residence to Conrad III Schetz and
through him the castle became a summer home for the Ursel
family. They lived there for more than 350 years.

d'Ursel Castle inside

A famous occupant of the Castle was Conrad-Albert the first Duke of
Ursel (1665-1738).

His son Charles, the 2nd Duke of Ursel, asked the famous architect
Giovanni Nicollo Servadoni (1695-1766) to redesign the residence.

During the 18th. century the castle was famous for its balls and it
received many important guests such as:

in 1876: The Queen and the Duchess of Saxony;
In 1894: Prince Albert of Belgium (later King Albert I) and his
brother-in-law, the Prince of Hohenzollern.

D'Ursel Castle Hingene library

Around 1960, the castle was sold by Henry, 8th. Duke of Ursel
to the state. However when there is a nice event, the family
still makes their attendance at the castle.

D'Ursel Castle in Hingene sideview

A visit

D'Ursel castle is absolutely worth a visit. We went there on 11 July
2019 (my husband's B-Day and the Feast of the Flemish community).
Then the entrance of the Castle was free of charge. It has lots of
beautiful rooms and special features. Although the family don't use
this castle anymore you still can feel the important royal history.

These pictures were all taken by me on 11 July 2019.

d'Ursel Castle Hingene


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