15 November 1902 an attempted murder of King Leopold II

On 15 November 1902 an attempted murder of King Leopold II of Belgium
took place in Brussels, the capital of Belgium.

Italian anarchist Gennaro Rubino attempted to assassinate King Leopold II
of Belgium, who was riding in a royal cortege from a ceremony at the
St. Gudula and St. Michael Cathedral in memory of his deceased wife
Queen Marie Henriette.

After Leopold's carriage passed, Rubino fired 3 shots at the procession. The
shots missed King Leopold but they killed almost a Grand Marshall:
Count Charles John d'Oultremont.

Rubino was immediately arrested and sent to prison. With his act he wanted to
avenge the protesters who were shot in the spring of that year when they took 
to the streets for universal suffrage (not for Congo). He died in prison in 1918.

After this, the security of the King was questioned. Elsewhere in Europe this
assassination attempt was received with alarm.

Heads of States (who were scared themselves) sent telegrams to the King
congratulating him for surviving the assassination attempt.

Source picture: Wikipedia


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