Books on Sunday The Battle for Spain

2 November marks the B-Day of Queen Sofia of Spain. Although she
isn't the ruling Queen Consort any more, she still is commited to Spain. 

I read a very interesting history book about that amazing country. Sadly
It was a sad part of Spain's recent history: The Battle for Spain about the
civil war of 1936 - 1939.

The Civil war of Spain was one of the bitterest conflicts of Spain of the
20th. century. The Battle in Spain was a forerunner of World War II. 

The Battle for Spain written by Anthony Beevor is the most important
work if you want to know more about this sad history. 

I read this book in Dutch, translated by Marjan Terpstra.

This is not really a royal book though it is a history book because:
From 1 October 1936 till 20 November 1975, Spain was ruled by
Francisco Franco. 

From 22 November 1975 till 19 June 2014, Spain became a monarchy
again. It was ruled by King Juan Carlos. Nowadays the country is
reigned by  King Felipe VI.  


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