Assassination of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia

On 25 March 1975, a terrible thing happened in Riyadh, the capital of
Saudi Arabia. Then King Faisal was shot by his half-brother's son:
Faisal bin Musaid.

On that day, in the waiting room, Prince Faisal talked to Kuwaiti
representatives, who also were waiting to meet King Faisal.

King Faisal - President Nixon and First Lady Nixon

King Faisal was the ruler of Saudi Arabia from 2 November 1964. 
From 1953 he was appointed Crown Prince. 

When the Prince went to embrace his uncle, King Faisal leaned to
kiss his nephew in accordance with Saudi custom. At that instant
Prince Faisal took out a gun and shot him.

The first shot hit the King's chin and the second one went through
his ear. A bodyguard hit Prince Faisal with a sword.

King Faisal was quickly taken to the hospital, he was still alive.
However he died shortly afterwards.

After the assassination, Riyadh had three days of mourning during
which all government activities were suspended.

King Faisal instituted modern and secular reforms that led to the
installation of television, which provoked violent protests. 

Nasser - Faisal - Ararfat

Directly after the attack, Prince Faisal was captured. He first was
officially declared insane, but at the trial Saudi medical experts
declared that he was sane when he shot the king. He was sentenced
to execution. Prince Faisal was beheaded in the public square in

King Faisal's body was buried in Al Oud cemetery in Riyad on
26 March 1975. He was succeeded by King Khalid of Saudi Arabia.

Source pictures: Wikipedia


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