The Countess, Napoleon and St. Helena

Yes! I've finished another very interesting book:
The Countess, Napoleon and St. Helena. It is written by a wonderful
author: Lally Brown.

Readers of the Allaboutroyalfamiliesblog already know that I've a 'small'
fascination about Napoleon Bonaparte, an ordinary man who
became Emperor of France.

On Twitter I've 'met' several years ago a lovely author: Lally Brown.
We started to talk about my other passion gardening and about her
amazing roses. Via Twitter and Lally I discovered her fascinating books:

- The Volcano, Montserrat and me;
- High and dry in the BVI;
- The Countess, Napoleon and St. Helena.

When reading books, I always love two important things: the style of the author
and the fact if the book is written chronologically. For me the latter is very
important in history works.

Lally Brown, took me back to 1815. After the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon
Bonaparte was defeated and he was forced to exile to St. Helena.

So the Countess, Napoleon and St. Helena returned to the last years of the life
of Napoleon Bonaparte.

The book is a fantastic diary mix between 1815 and the personal memories
of Lally Brown. I think the author has made a lot of research to write this
splendid work.

I liked it very much and I really can recommend this book!

More about Napoleon Bonaparte, check the page : 
the Travels of Napoleon Bonaparte on top of this blog or on next link

Source picture: Book cover


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