The Roman Series: Emperor Otho

Marcus Salvius Otho was born on 28 April 32 AD as the son of Lucius Alvius Otho
and Terentia Albia. He was born in Ferento, a former city in Lazio
(nowadays located in central Italy).

Way to power

Otho's grandfather had been a senator and Claudius granted Otho's father patrician

An aged freedwoman brought Otho in the company of the emperor Nero. Otho
married the emperor's mistress Poppae Sabina. Later Nero forced Otho to divorce
Poppae so that he himself could marry her. Otto was exiled to the province of
Lusitania. There he became a capable governor. 

Otho allied himself with Galba, then governor of neighboring Hispania Tarraconensis.
Later Galba was proclaimed emperor by the Senate. Otho accompanied the new 
emperor to Rome in October 68. 

Galba was kiled by the Praetorians on 15 January 69. Otho was proclaimed Emperor.


Vitellius, the commander of the legions on the lower Rhine River, was already
advancing upon Italy. Otho prepared for war. 


Early in the morning  of 16 April 69 (at the age of 36) he stabbed himself in the
heart with a dagger, and he died as his attendants entered the tent. He had reigned
only for three months. 

Traces from the past in Rome - own picture taken in 2017

Source picture: Wikipedia


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