Immo Royale in Rome

In November 2022 there was a lot to do about an article in
the French newspaper Le Parisien. It stated that there was
a robbery in the appartment of Queen Paola of Belgium
in Paris. 

Not much later, the newspaper retracted that report and
reported that there was "ambiguity about the identity of
the owner". 

picture taken in November 2022 in Rome

After which the spokesman for the royal palace also responded
and reported that Queen Paola has no apartment at all in the
district where the theft took place. 

"The original article of 'Le Parisien' that linked the theft to
an apartment of the Queen is therefore incorrect,"
the palace concluded.

However Queen Paola of Belgium and King Albert II of 
Belgium have other properties than their Belvédère Castle
in Laeken, Brussels. 

They would have residences in Châteauneuf-Grasse (France)
and in Villers-sur-Lesse (Belgium). But also an apartment
in Oostende (Belgium) and an apartment in Rome. 

picture taken in November 2022 in Rome

As Rome is one of our favourite Royal Destinations, we were
very keen to find the apartment of Queen Paola of Belgium
and to know a bit more about the history.

Albert and Paola usually spend the winter in her parental home,
Casa Ruffo at 1 via Jacopo Peri in Rome. The apartment in the
ochre-coloured patrician house where the monarch grew up
is in the shadow of Villa Borghese, one of the most famous
parks in the Italian capital.  

This was news because Queen Paola would have tried (with success) to
save the tree in front of her paternal home. 

Villa Borghese in Rome
picture taken in 2022

Since the accession to the throne, the king and queen take up
residence there in the autumn, and leave again before the
heat becomes too much in the spring. 

Paola in 1967
Source picture: Wikipedia

The House of Ruffo di Calabria is one of the longest-standing
noble families in Italy. It was already one of the seven most
important houses of the Kingdom of Naples.

Paola Margherita Giuseppina Maria Consiglia Ruffo di Calabria
was born in September 1937. She spent most of her childhood
in Rome. 

In 1958, Paola met the 25-year-old Prince Albert, the brother of
the Belgian King Baudouin, at the coronation ceremony of
Pope John XXIII. A year later, the couple got married in Brussels.

Coat of Arms of the
family Ruffo di Calabria

Source picture: Wikipedia


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