King's Feast 2023 in Belgium and its royal history

Each year on November 15th. King's Feast is celebrated in Brussels, the capital
of Belgium.

This year there was a special gala concert on November 14th. in the Bozar in 
Brussels, for the occasion of 10 years reign of King Philippe. 

Two wonderful photographers - Bjorn Hoex and Geert Janssens - traveled to
Brussels to attend all the ceremonies. Geert Janssens even could attend the 
concert and the plenary session in the Senate.

What's going on? 

The King's Feast also called in Dutch: Koningsdag and in French: Fête du Roi
as in German: Festtag des Königs has been celebrated in Belgium on
November 15 since 1866. 

Traditionally, a Te Deum is sung as well as a private observance being held.
The royals who attedend the Te Deum were:

King Albert II of Belgium
Queen Paola of Belgium
Princess Astrid of Belgium 
Prince Laurent of Belgium

💡 Families/ dynasty

King Albert II of Belgium is a member of the House of Belgium with the
surname Saxe-Coburg & Gotha. 

Queen Paola of Belgium was born Paola Ruffo di Calabria and a member
of the House of Ruffo di Calabria


King Philippe and Queen Mathilde didn't attend the Te Deum because they
couldn't celebrate their own reign. 

King Albert and Queen Paola of Belgium

Since 2001, the Belgian Federal Parliament has held a ceremony in honor
of the King, in the presence of members of the Belgian royal family and
other dignitaries. It is not a national public holiday; however, federal
government institutions (not the local) are closed on this day. 

Back of Princess Astrid, Queen Paola and King Albert of Belgium

Some royal history

November 15 is the name day of Leopold (the feast of Saint Leopold in the
German liturgical calendar) and Albert (the feast of Saint Albert the Great
in the General Roman Calendar). 

Saint Albert the Great - Source picture: Wikipedia
He died on 15 November 1280 in Cologne

In 1951, King Baudouin decided to honor November 15, as did his brother
King Albert II. 

During the regency of Prince Charles, the designations Day of the Dynasty
or Feast of the Dynasty were used, and these terms are still often
erroneously used. However, it is not the correct name, as was confirmed
in a circular letter in 1953.


This year there was a special concert at the Bozar on the occasion
of the 10th. anniversary of the reign of King Philippe, which took
place on November 14th.

Queen Mathilde and King Philippe of the Belgians at the concert


Also a tradition on November 15th. is the presentation of the national
decorations as well as the nomination of the new purveyors to the court. 
The new purveyors to the court will be received at the royal palace on 
November 30th. 

A big thank you

I want to say a big thank you to the wonderful photographers:
* Bjorn Hoex
* Geert Janssens


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