Why Queen Victoria liked Florence so much?
In the series about Florence, I usually talk about the de' Medici family but other royals were quite fascinated by the city as well. One of them was Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. She reigned from 20 June 1837 until 22 January 1901. Since Queen Victoria was one of my main inspirations for starting the All About Royal Families blog, I naturally have to share details about her stays in Florence. Queen Victoria visited Florence multiple times, with her most significant stays occurring in 1888, 1893 and 1894 . These visits were part of her regular spring trips to southern Europe, where she sought both respite from the harsh British winters and engagement with the cultural and political life of Italy. When she travelled, Queen Victoria was accompanied by at least 80 people who occupied 13 carriages of her private train. Florence in the 19th. Century 1888 Visit to Florence In March 1888, Queen Victoria arrived in Florence and took up residence at Villa Palmieri , a hist...