27 December 1459 Birth of King John I Albert of Poland

John I Albert was born on 27 December 1459 in Krakow, Poland. Family He was the son of King Casimir IV of Poland and Elisabeth of Austria. His mother was the daughter of King Albert of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia and was the granddaughter of Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Elisabeth of Austria received her education at the court of Emperor Frederick III. John I Albert had lots of siblings inter alia: - Vladislaus II, King of Bohemia and Hungary, - Alexander I, King of Poland, - Sigismund I the Old, King of Poland. Duty In 1490, the Hungarian nobility proclaimed John I Albert as King of Hungary and Bohemia. However he was defeated by his elder brother King Vladislaus II. In 1492 John I Albert succeeded his father as King of Poland. King John I Albert wanted to 'save' Europe from the Ottoman Turks. He and his brother Vladislaus also formed a counterpart against Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I. In 1496, King John I Albert collected an army of ...