OTD 26 November 1436 Infanta Catarina of Portugal

O, 26 November 1436, Infanta Catarina was born in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. Family Infanta Catarina was a daughter of King Edward of Portugal and his wife Eleanor of Aragon. Her siblings were: - King Afonso V of Portugal; - Infante Ferdinad of Portugal, Duke of Viseu; - Eleanor of Portugal, who married Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III; - Joan of Portugal, who married King Henry IV of Castile. Catarina of Portugal and her family were members of the noble House of Aviz. Character Like her sisters, Catarina was considered ambitious, shrewd and willful. Love Catarina was promised to marry Charles IV of Navarre but he died before the marriage could take place, and her brother, after securing the marriages of her sisters had no future need of marriage alliances with other royal houses. A nun Catarina turned to a religious life in the convent of Saint Claire. She was very educated and she wrote many books about mora...