Royal Destinations - Deutsches Eck in Koblenz - Germany

A few years ago, I visited Koblenz, a beautiful, romantic city in Germany.
In Koblenz there is a confluence of two important rivers:
Rhine and Moselle.

Deutsches Eck in Koblenz - Germany
Near the river in Koblenz, Germany

What makes Koblenz a Royal Destination?

Well, there is a famous place called the 'Deutsches Eck' (German Corner)
with a statue of Emperor William I of Germany on a horseback.

This statue was established on August 31st. 1897.
The grandson of Emperor William I, William II, attended this event.

Deutsches Eck in Koblenz - Germany
Deutsches Eck Koblenz Germany

There are many churches, parks and squares to visit.
I spent a nice day in Koblenz.

Do You want to know more about the former Royal Families in Germany?
Please, take a look on the page 'Royal Families in Germany' on top of
this blog or via next link:


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