OTD 13 August 1743 Archduchess Maria Elisabeth of Austria

Archduchess Maria Elisabeth of Austria was born on August 13th. 1743 in Vienna
as the sixth child of Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor and his wife Maria Theresa.

Archduchess Maria Elisabeth of Austria - Source picture: Wikipedia

Maria Elisabeth of Austria was considered one of the most attractive of her sisters
(inter alia Maria Antoinette, who married King Louis XVI of France).

Even King Louis XV of France wanted her as his bride. 
Unfortunately Maria Elisabeth became a victim of smallpox. 
Her beautiful face was seriously wounded and the scars
stayed. So, she couldn't marry anymore.

The unfortunate archduchess was appointed as cannoness of the convent of noble
ladies in Innsbruck although she stayed at the Royal Court in Vienna with her mother.

Own panorama picture of the Hofburg in Vienna - taken in 2011

When Maria Elisabeth's brother became Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II, he asked
her to leave the court. The Archduchess moved from Vienna to Linz where she died
on September 22nd. 1808.

Archduchess Maria Elisabeth - Source picture: Wikipedia 


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