Happy Weekend Picture : Tourbillon Castle in Sion (Switzerland)

My Happy Weekend Picture was taken several years ago. At the picture
you can see the Tourbillon Castle in Sion, which is located in the canton
of Valais in Switzerland.

Travel Tourbillon Castle in Sion Switzerland
own picture of the Tourbillon Castle

In the 12th century Sion became the political and religious center of the
region. During that time the building works of impressive churches and
castles started.

The Tourbillon Castle was built between 1290 and 1308 by the order of
Boniface de Challant. This was then the Bishop of Sion.

Initially he had the intention to make from Tourbillon Castle his main
residence, however in 1373 he changed his mind and gave the order
to build another castle. Tourbillon became the summer residence.

The Tourbillon Castle was ruined in a fire in 1788. Nowadays the ruins
are located on a rocky spire above the city of Sion. It still is a 
Swiss heritage site of national significance.

With this picture I'd like to thank you all for visiting my blog and the
liking/resharing of my posts. 

Of course I wish you all a good Saturday, a Happy Sunday and a 
great start of the brand new Week. 


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