OTD February 24th. 1535 Eleanor de Roucy de Roye

Eléanor de Roucy de Roye was born on February 24th. 1535 in France.
Her parents were Charles de Roye and Madeleine de Maillé.

Eléanor - Source picture: Wikipedia

Through her father Eléanor inherited the County de Roucy and
through her mother she inherited the lordship of Conti. This made her
a good wedding candidate.

On June 22nd. 1551 Eléanor married Louis de Bourbon, Prince of Condé.
This was a famous Huguenot leader and a general. They would have 8
children, but only two of them had issue.

Between 1560 and 1563, during the French Civil Wars, Eléanor and her
mother were involved with politics to support her husband.

When the Prince of Condé became prisoner from the ultra-catholic
Guise family, Eléanor and her mother made alliances with Protestant
German Princes and even with Queen Elizabeth I of England!

Later Eléanor tried to negotiate with the regent of France, which was
then Catherine de' Medici. This resulted in the Peace of Amboise and
the release of her husband.

Eléanore was described a a loyal spouse, a devoted mother, and a
fervent believer of the Protestant faith.

She died on July 23rd. 1564, surrounded by her beloved family as
well as prayers.


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