Royal Destintions - Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Nice - France

Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Nice, France,
own picture taken in 2013

Russia cathedral nice france travel
Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Nice, France

The Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Nice, France, really is a destination with a
special royal history link.

Some Royal History 
In the 19th. century members of the Russian Imperial Court chose Nice and 
other places at the French Rivièra as their favorite holiday destination.

On April 24th. 1885, Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich (son of Tsar 
Alexander II and Mary of Hesse and by Rhine (Maria Alexandrovna)) 
died in Nice.

Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich - Source picture: Wikipedia

To remind the death of Tsarevich there were plans to build a big Cathedral.
These plans were realized in 1912. 

Due to the generosity of Tsar Nicholas II (grandson of Tsar Alexander II) the
Russian Orthodox Cathedral was funded.

Nowadays the Moscow Patriarchate ruled this Cathedral, after a long Dispute.
It is the largest Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Western Europe. 

I only saw it from the outside and it really is worth a visit.

Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Nice, France
own picture, taken in 2013


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