10 years King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands

On 30 April 2023, King Willem-Alexander will reign for 10 years in The Netherlands. 👑👑👑 King Willem - Alexander picture made by Wills Vendrig Some important facts ✎ He already signed 24,000 signatures to laws and royal decrees, according to a report from the royal family. 👉The monarch had 1,200 visits, receptions and other activities on his agenda and made 26 state visits abroad. He didn't want to rule under the name Willem (William IV). Anyway on 30 April 2023, King Willem-Alexander reigns for 10 year over the Netherlands. 👑👑👑 The big interview To mark this special occasion I asked 5 Dutch royalty watchers how they think about the 10th Jubilee of King Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands. May I introduce you to: * Netty Royal, royalty blogger, journalist and royalty watcher She has two websites: NettyRoyal & On Tour with Netty Royal * Bjorn Hoex, royalty watcher * Oscar Meijer, royalty watcher and blogger of the website De Staat van Oranje ...