A stunning Royal Destination: Sé Cathedral in Lisbon, Portugal
Sé Cathedral inside A real stunning Royal Destination in Lisbon, Capital of Portugal is the Santa Maria Maior de Lisboa or Sé de Lisboa. This long name mostly is abbreviated to Sé. Sé Cathedral in Lisbon, Portugal, own picture taken in 2017 Some Royal History The construction of the cathedral started in the year 1147. It has been classified as a National Monument since 1910. Lisbon was the seat of the bishopric since the 4th century AD. After a period the city was conquered by the Moors and it stayed under Arab control from the 8th till the 12th century, although Christians were allowed to live in Lisbon and its surroundings. Sé Cathedral amazing ceiling in Lisbon, Portugal, own picture In 1147, Lisbon was reconquered by an army composed of Portuguese soldiers led by King Afonso Henriques (Afonso I of Portugal) and North European crusaders taking part in the Second Crusade. King Afonso Henriques - Source picture:...