A stunning Royal Destination: Sé Cathedral in Lisbon, Portugal

Sé Cathedral inside 

A real stunning Royal Destination in Lisbon, Capital of Portugal is the Santa Maria Maior de Lisboa or Sé de Lisboa. This long name mostly is abbreviated to Sé.

Sé Cathedral in Lisbon, Portugal, own picture taken in 2017

Some Royal History

The construction of the cathedral started in the year 1147. It has been classified as a National Monument since 1910.

Lisbon was the seat of the bishopric since the 4th century AD. After a period the city was conquered by the Moors and it stayed under Arab control from the 8th till the 12th century, although Christians were
allowed to live in Lisbon and its surroundings.

Sé Cathedral amazing ceiling in Lisbon, Portugal, own picture

In 1147, Lisbon was reconquered by an army composed of Portuguese soldiers led by King Afonso Henriques (Afonso I of Portugal) and North European crusaders taking part in the Second Crusade.

King Afonso Henriques - Source picture: Wikipedia

An English crusader named Gilbert of Hastings was placed as bishop and the new cathedral was built on the site of the main mosque of Lisbon.

The first church was built in Late Romanesque style. However by the end of the 13th century King Dinis of Portugal built a Gothic cloister.

His successor King Afonso IV of Portugal had the main chapel converted into a royal pantheon in Gothic style for him and his family.

Sé Cathedral in Lisbon, Portugal inside  painting - own picture

During the reign of King John I of Portugal on 29 September 1429, a mass was sung for Isabella of Portugal on the occasion of her departure to Flanders. She married Philip the Good of Burgundy.

In 1498, Queen Eleanor of Viseu founded the Brotherhood of Invocation to Our Lady of Mercy of Lisbon in one of the chapels of the cloister of the cathedral.

Between the 14th and 16th century lots of earthquakes took place in Lisbon. The worst of all was the earthquake of 1744 which destroyed the Gothic main chapel along with the royal pantheon. The cathedral was rebuilt in the beginning of the 20th century.

Building style

Sé is a Latin cross building with three aisles, a transept and a main chapel. It is connected with a cloister on the Eastern side. The main façade of the cathedral looks like a fortress. it is a relic from the Reconquista period, so the Sé could be used as a base to attack the enemy during a siege.

A visit

I visited the Sé Cathedral in Lisbon, Portugal in March 2017. It certainly is one of city's most stunning Royal Destinations, both by its royal history and its amazing building style(s).

The entrance for the Sé Cathedral is free, however for the cloister and the treasury, there are additional tickets to buy. To know more, check this link.

Sé Cathedral inside Lisbon Portugal, own picture


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