Historical Hotels: Berlin (Germany) - Hotel Adlon

Well, Hotel Adlon in Berlin (Germany) certainly is a hotel that can be listed as
'Historical Hotel'.

The back of Hotel Adlon and the Holocaust Memorial
Berlin - Own picture

On its opening on October 23rd. 1907, the Kaiser, Wilhelm (William) II of Germany
and his wife were present. The Kaiser was proud of Hotel Adlon. He invited important
guests like Tsar Nicholas II of Russia who stayed at the hotel.

Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany
Source picture: Wikipedia

During the 'roaring twenties', Hotel Adlon stayed the place-to-be. It hosted a lot of
important guests like Charlie Chaplin, Albert Einstein, Josephine Baker, 
Marlene Dietrich and Franklin Roosevelt. 

During World War II, hotel Adlon continued to operate 'normally'. It even made a
bomb shelter for its guests. Parts of the hotel were transformed to an hospital at the
end of the War. 

In 1945, the hotel was hit by a fire. 

In 1984, the old building of Hotel Adlon was demolished.

A new hotel was built between 1995 and 1997. It currently operates as:
Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin.

Royal Guests

Did you know that the Queen and her husband Prince Philip stayed in
this hotel during Queen Elizabeth's state visit to Germany. 


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