OTD March 31st.1519 Henry II of France
Henry was born on March 31st. 1519 near Paris in France.
Henry II of France - Source picture: Wikipedia
His parents were Francis I of France and Claude, Duchess of Brittany.
In 1533 he married Catherine de' Medici. They were both 14 years old.
Henry of France & Catherine de' Medici
Source picture: Wikipedia
The marriage wasn't a great success because Henry became romanticly
involved with his mistress Diane de Poitiers.
Diane de Poitiers
Source picture: Wikipedia
Despite the bad marriage, Henry of France and Catherine de'Medici had
10 children together.
On June 1559 there was a tournament. Henry of France became mortally
wounded by the lace of Gabriel, compte de Montgomery.
Tournament between Henry of France
and Montomery
Source picture: Wikipedia
Henry II of France died on July 10th. 1559.