Royal Destinations - Shin Kai Tei Japanese Garden in Ostend Belgium

One of the hidden gems in Ostend is Shin Kai Tei. This is an amazing beautiful
Japanese garden in Ostend (Belgium).

Japenese Garden Ostend hidden in the King's Park

Royal Link

On July 20th. 2001 Prince Philippe of Belgium
(now King Philippe of the Belgians)
opened the Japanese Garden Shin Kai Tei.

Entrance Japanese Garden Ostend Belgium - Own picture

Opening Hours

Open: Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 till 18.00 h
and daily during the School Holidays.

Inside the Japanese Garden in Ostend Belgium - Own picture

Shin Kai Tei means: Deep, Sea and Garden.

Japanese Garden Ostend - own picture

This beautiful and relaxing garden is free to visit!

Japanese Garden Ostend - Own picture


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