The Weekend Special - House of Bourbon-Parma

The House of Bourbon-Parma is a very noble family.
It was an Italian Cadet Branch from the House of Bourbon. 

Coat of Arms
Source picture: Wikipedia

The Duchy of Parma was created for Pier Luigi Farnese.
He was an illegitimate son of Pope Paul III.

Pier Luigi Farnese
Source picture: Wikipedia

In 1545, the Duchy of Parma was created.

Duchy of Parma on the map
Source picture: Wikipedia

In 1859, the Duchy of Parma merged with the Kingdom of Sardinia.
In 1861, it became a part of a new state: (the Kingdom of) Italy.
During that time, Robert I was Duke of Parma. I'll tell you more about him,
his family and the link to Luxembourg in one of my next blogposts.

Flag of the Duchy of Parma
Source picture: Wikipedia

Till today, members of the House of Bourbon-Parma continue to claim
the title: Duke of Parma.

Since 2010, Carlos of Bourbon-Parma, son of Carlos Hugo, Duke of Bourbon-Parma
and Princess Irene of The Netherlands, holds this title.


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