
OTD: 8 September 1831: VIP diner @ the Royal Palace in Brussels, Belgium

On 8 September 1831, there was a very important diner at the Royal Palace in Brussels, Belgium. The Book with the diners' guest list of the royal palace in Brussels, Belgium That day, King Leopold I of Belgium held his opening speech before the first meeting of the brand new Belgian Parliament. This was just elected on 29 August 1831. 1831 really had lots of major changes for the recent founded country. That year, on 3 June 1831,  King Leopold I of Belgium (who was the widower of Princess Charlotte of Wales) was chosen as King of the Belgians by the National Congress. King Leopold I of Belgium own picture The 2018 summer exhibition of the royal palace in Brussels displays this remarkable document. On the first picture you can see that the table arrangement was written in French. At that time this was the most spoken language at the royal courts in Europe. Diner at the royal palace in Brussels, Belgium own picture  Lally Brown asked me on Twitter a

Royal Destination: Museo Napoleonico in Rome, Italy.

Napoleon Bonaparte Satue own picture taken in 2017 Most people thought: Napoleon Bonaparte was the first Emperor of France, which is of course true. However his family, the Bonapartes did have a very important Italian Link. Museo Napoleonico in Rome, Italy own picture taken in 2017 Nowadays, the art collection of the Italian Link of the Bonaparte Family is shown at the Museo Napoleonico in Rome, Italy. Founder This museum displays the collection of Giuseppe Primoli, who was the great-grandson of Charles-Lucien Bonaparte. Giuseppe Primoli was the son of Princess Charlotte Bonaparte and the Count Primoli di Foglia. This Guiseppe belonged to the Roman branch of the Imperial Family. Museo Napoleonico in Rome, Italy own picture taken in 2017 The building This wonderful museum about the Bonaparte family is located at the Primoli palace (built in the 16th. century). In 1927, Giuseppe Primoli donated the palace to the city of Rome. The collection The