OTD March 31st. 1360 Philippa of Lancaster Queen of Portugal

Philippa of Lancaster was born on March 31st. 1360 in Leicester Castle, England. Family Philippa was the oldest child of John of Gaunt, 1st. Duke of Lancaster and Blance of Lancaster. They were members of the House of Plantagenet and they founded the House of Lancaster. Philippa 's siblings were inter alia: - Elizabeth, Duchess of Exeter, - Henry IV Bolingbroke, King of England. Their Wedding Love and Marriage Trough Philippa 's marriage to King John I of Portugal, she became Queen Consort. The couple were blessed by the church in the Cathedral of Porto on February 2nd. 1387 and their marriage took place on February 14th. 1387. The Portuguese court celebrated this Royal union for fifteen days! This Royal Couple would have 9 children inter alia: - Edward, King of Portugal, - Henry, called the "Navigator", - Isabella, who married Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy. Duty After her marriage she had a significant influence in ...